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Turkey Hunting - Southern Iowa

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

Iowa is a draw state for non-resident turkey hunters, like they are for whitetail hunters, so we don't seem to have as many turkey hunters as we could. Plus, the tag is rather expensive for a bird. However, I am able to get two turkey tags each Spring, and I will be taking my son out for the 2nd Season this upcoming weekend once the weather gets better. Today, I went to my go-to turkey farm in southern Iowa. It is a farm that a few of my deer hunters will remember, simply by the old John Deere combine rusting away on the timber edge just off of the corn field.

My hunter was showing up to meet me there, but he was running late today. So, I decided to hurry up and get the blind, chair, and two Radix GEN-600 trail cameras on Stic-N-Pic mounts setup for him as well as my boy and I. I let my hunters decided where to sit for turkeys, so I told him he doesn't need to use it unless he wishes. While I was walking in, the timber chunk to my left erupted with gobbles, and I counted what I guessed was at least 4 but maybe 5 different gobblers. Once I got the blind positioned, tied down, cameras up, I sat in the blind to take a little video showing the setup. If you are in a quiet setting, turn your volume up all of the way, and listen for the gobble. This was one of the two furthest away from the setup, and I'm pretty sure we ended up seeing him later in the day before he roosted. These birds never got more than 100 yards away from the timber chunk. Easy day.


These birds are plentiful in southern Iowa. In the early season, it is possible to kill a whopper at 26-29lbs with a 9"+ beard and 1-1/4"+ hooks. We grow them big and tasty! I tend to offer my turkey slots up to past & present clients who bow hunt whitetails with me in Iowa. To date, we are 3/3 on gobblers on the first day. If my hunter can smoke one tomorrow morning, we will be 4 for 4.

UPDATE: My hunter shot a longbeard from this blind setup before 8am first morning! Ha! The streak continues!

If I have any spots left that nobody has claimed, I offer them for $125/day or $250/3 days or something very similar. So, if you are a current client for whitetails and want to come hunt a DIY turkey hunt for free, let me know! If you want to book a spot, also let me know! I don't take many hunters, and the tag application is in January 2021 for the 2021 season. For turkey's we are in Iowa Non-Resident Zone 4 (not the same zone boundaries for whitetails).

Stay tuned for another turkey update or two down the road. After turkey season is done, we start the whitetail focus that runs through December into January. 2020 is going to be a special year! Thanks for following along with us at MDL Outfitters!

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