Shot Opportunity: 58.3% (7/12)
(+100% Zone 4, 40% Zone 5; Zone 6 not hunted due to failed draw)
Biggest Buck Seen Overall: 160"+ Typical buck, Zone 4, by hunter from MO, no shot taken due to daylight pics of 175-180"+ non-typical (200" typical in Late Muzz)
Biggest Buck Shot Opportunity: 156" Typical, Zone 5, by hunter from NC.
Biggest Buck Shot & Recovered: 156" Typical, Zone 5, by hunter from NC.
Largest Wounded Buck: Not Applicable
Number of wounded bucks: 0
Number of misses: 0 (known)
Number of hunters: 12 (including special & DIY bowhunters)
Number of shot opportunities on mature whitetails: 7
Number of blown encounters/setups: 4+
Summary: We had a horrific bow season when it comes to sightings and shots, which followed with a superb gun season of course, due to the standing corn crop across south-central and southeastern Iowa staying in until mid-December. We literally watched bucks and hot does go deep into standing corn all over southern Iowa. Our area of Zone 4, which is much different than any of our other areas with more pasture and CRP, did not suffer from the corn issue, which I believe is why we had normal conditions there. We'll chalk this one up as a learning experience, and we will pray that 2020 is much better! Also noted, EHD did hit southern Iowa in 2019, but it was unknown and underreported by the Iowa DNR. Looking back, it is very reasonable to think that we lost a small to moderate portion of our herd in specific areas of Zone 5. We did find 2 EHD bucks on two different farms, but that was it. We expect much higher numbers in 2020 so long as an EHD breakout doesn't happen. Fingers crossed & prayers sent!